You’d never know it, but I’m pretty vain about my hair. Being a mom is kind of incompatible with that but it doesn’t mean the tendency isn’t still lurking in me waiting till it can come back out again.
People talk about bad hair days. Well, I’d like to talk about a bad hair year. It all started last December when I went to get my hair cut. It was a drastic cut. But I wouldn’t know how drastic it was until I walked out of the salon. I went in with hair that was fairly long. Probably halfway down my back…maybe even longer. I wanted it cut to about chin length. I wasn’t nervous; I’ve had drastic cuts before that went well. It’s fun to me for some reason. I like to make drastic changes in my appearance sometimes. That’s why hair is so great. It grows back. Unfortunately, though, this isn’t a fast process. Anyway, so I told the lady what I wanted and let her get to work. She cut and cut and cut. And I guess I zoned out for a little too long because it was like all the sudden I looked at myself in the mirror and realized my hair was much shorter than I wanted it to be. Like inches shorter. She seemed like she was almost finished so I just sat quietly, but I was also preparing myself to have to tell her to stop cutting. Thankfully, that wasn’t necessary, but the damage was already done.
It wasn’t a big deal. I mean, I wasn’t like mad about it or anything. But a couple days later I realized that one side was longer than the other. So I had to go back and get that fixed. Then came the job of waiting for it to grow out. This whole year I’ve gone through day after day of awkward hair do after awkward hair do. I’ve never disliked my hair for such a long time. It doesn’t matter who I go to (I even resorted to going to my old stylist back in St. Louis while I was there a month or two ago). To no avail. What the original stylist did to my hair, I’ll never know. My only hope is to keep growing it out, cut it all even, and start anew.
I’m never into New Year resolutions because they never work, and I always pick something too difficult. But perhaps for 2010 my goal will be to have a better hair year.
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