Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New news.

Well, it's nearly June, and this is my first post in 2012. So far, I've avoided that cliche line, "Sorry I haven't updated this thing in a while." And there's no reason to start now.

So, moving on...

A lot of my time has been used learning new things. Right now I'm learning how to potty train a toddler. Certainly not the most fun new thing that I've been up to, but, eh, it's got to happen sometime, right? Thankfully I've had some help. It really makes a difference to have other adults cheering Ivy on besides me. It also helps to have other people cleaning up the mistakes! Ivy and I have tried several other times to potty train, and I'm sure my level of frustration after cleaning up yet another accident didn't help her ease into the whole thing. Anyway, I'm not ready to call us triumphant yet, but we're definitely making a lot of progress.

Over the past year or so a friend of mine has been teaching me how to sew. My sewing machine is definitely older than I am so things have been interesting as I try to learn the ins and outs of a sewing machine. But I think I've finally got the hang of it. I'll probably post some of the stuff I've made so I'll wait to talk about it then.

It's not really new, per se, but I've started running regularly. I was on the track team my freshmen year of high school. It might seem silly to you, but I consider making it through that season of track as one of my proudest accomplishments. It was so grueling. I wanted to quit so many times, but I stuck it out till the end. And then pretty much avoided running altogether for who knows how long. Last summer I got a cheap gym membership and have been keeping up with it pretty well ever since. I've also been keeping up with the oreos and french fries, so unfortunately my waistline hasn't benefited too much from it. But, honestly, who cares if I'm happy and healthy(ish). Part of what motivated me was hearing about this thing called the Warrior Dash. O.M.G. It looked so cool. It's basically a giant obstacle course involving water, mud, climbing walls, water slides, fire, and MORE! It looked so amazing. The website called it "3.2 hellish miles." So I knew I would need to get in better shape. So off to the gym I went. (There were other reasons for going, of course, but "weight loss" and "healthy lifestyle" aren't that interesting to talk about.)

I actually started to like running at some point. I mean, I still simultaneously hate it, but there's definitely a part of me that genuinely loves to run. My dad is a runner, so I knew I had the genes in me. And I had always been fairly athletic growing up. But running wasn't something that seemed at all worth it to me. I have no idea what is different now, but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

So I did the Warrior Dash two weekends ago. And it was AMAZING. It totally exceeded my expectations. I was worried that I would be struggling to keep up with everyone and that the running part would be grueling since it was mostly hills rather than the treadmill I was used to. But it was way, WAY easier than the 5K that I ran a few weeks prior. I think the obstacles actually give you a chance to catch your breath, and it makes the running part much easier.

Anyway, I thought I'd share a few photos from the experience.

I remembered to take a "before" pic this time. Especially important if you're gonna end up wet and muddy by the end.

First obstacle: swimming across the lake. Second obstacle: crawling under barbed wire. This was where my knees got pretty beat up. It obviously wasn't slowing me down though. I'm having a lot of fun in this pic. (I'm behind the two guys in front and to the right of the orange mohawk guy).

After I crossed the finish line. Awesome muddy mess.

They give you a free beer as part of running the race (oh, and the viking hat).

I was told to look fierce.
Ok, and then on the way home we saw a BEAR!!! A REAL BEAR! IN THE WOODS!! Did I mention it was real??!?!? I almost peed in my pants. It was just hanging out by the side of the road, eating some things, or doing whatever it is that bears do. It was pretty small so I guess it was a cub. If we hadn't been in our car we probably wouldn't have stayed to observe since I'm sure it's mom was nearby. But holy cow, I was so excited. I wasn't sure what I was happier about, finishing the race or seeing a bear in its natural habitat. I'm totally terrified of bears when we go camping and take all sorts of measures to ensure that we don't encounter one (ask me about the hike we took on our honeymoon--I am *serious* about keeping bears away from me). But this was so incredible. I know I probably shouldn't be, but I'm slightly less scared of bears now.

So that was my latest exciting adventure. I can't wait to do the Warrior Dash again next year. Yay!